New Dimension Mandate Inc.
Serving Humanity For The Greater Good.
Where every charitable act is a stepping stone towards human development.
A 501c3 Non-profit organization with the ultimate goal of providing & promoting charitable causes and humanitarian Aid for the people of the United States of Biafra, people of the United States of America, Ambazonians (Southern Cameroonians), Eritreans, & other non-sanctioned countries of the world.
We help our communities fight against oppressors, inequality, and injustice by providing legal aid and resources to persecuted people. We seek to reduce the harm done to our communities by organizing different outreach programs and providing help like food, clothing, shelter, and clean water to internally displaced persons worldwide.
To be recognized as a top organization that participates in the education, mobilization, rescue & empowerment of oppressed & suppressed individuals worldwide with the tools & resources needed to be free, and to make their own decisions. To provide required tools & resources in educating & equipping our communities.
We Value Your donations
When you donate, you not only give money but also share your love, giving hope to those in need, especially to the global disadvantaged men, women, and children.
To make a Donation, Use the Donate Here Button shown on this website.
Become one of our Volunteers
We depend on volunteers from our local communities. By joining us you can both gain experience and help others. To serve as one of our volunteers, kindly reach out to us now. To join our volunteer team, email us at:
Global Fund Raising Campaigns
We raise funds through donations & organized funds raising to assist needy
communities in the USA, Biafra, Ukraine, Nigeria, Sudan & Syria especially those affected by floods, political crises, Religious Persecution, terrorism, injustice, wars & pandemics.
Bank Name: TAJ bank.
Account Name: Alim Global Resources
Account Number: 0007805522
His Excellency, Simon Ekpa Njoku, the Prime Minister of Biafra Republic Government In Exile (BRGIE) has been honored with an Ambassador For Peace award by distinguished Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in recognition of his efforts in promoting world peace and good relationship aimed at peacefull co-existence.
UPF gave the Ambassador for Peace award to Leaders who champion peace around the world.
Support Our Fight Against Terrorism & Ethnic Cleansing ongoing in Nigeria.
With population of over 70 million, 40% percent of Biafrans who depends on various sources of water supply are still suffering from devastations caused by floods, diseases, Terrorism & lack of shelter.
New Dimension Mandate Inc. is bringing lasting solution to these & many problems.
Our Goal: $250,000
Contact Us Now
Your support can help save many lives.
Peace is not simply the absence of WAR or a term that applies only to the relationships among nations. Peace is an essential quality that should characterize all relationships.
Simon Ekpa has exemplified those qualities.
We work and support Universal Peace Federation Award recipients across the globe in promoting Peace, Justice, Equity, Fairness and individual Freedom.
We invest in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. We provide clean water, decent sanitation and shelter for both urban and rural dwellers.
We invest in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. We provide clean water, decent sanitation and shelter for both urban and rural dwellers.
In order to help the communities we have created a group of farmers who donate agricultural product to food banks. We also have farmers utilizing various Agro production means.
We invest in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. We provide clean water, decent sanitation and shelter for both urban and rural dwellers.
In order to help the communities we have created a group of farmers who donate agricultural product to food banks.
We invest in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. We provide clean water, decent sanitation and shelter for both urban and rural dwellers.
In order to help the communities eat healthy and live healthy, we have created a group of farmersn through donations to pioneer the farming agricultural product. We have several opportunities to feed many and save lives.
Access to clean water comes not easy but we provide clean water to hekp solve local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa, America, Syria and Ukraine. We provide clean water, decent sanitation and shelter for both urban and rural dwellers.
We invest in local educational solutions to people livng under life threatening crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. And we provide these servicese for both urban and rural dwellers.
These people offered their help and we were glad to let them & many others join us.
Shown below are victims & various causes we support. Your donations would help make the world a better & happier place for all.
Children Who Lost Their Parents from Fulani Terrorists
Dead Bodies Of Indigenous People - Nigeria
Terrorists in Nigeria Army uniforms killing & rendering families homeless.
Mothers rendered Hopeless & Helpless. Husbands Killed By Terrorists
Places of Worship Destroyed by Islamic Terrorists
Indigenous People Displaced by Nigeria Funded Terrorists
Christians & Their Religious Leaders Killed Daily By Terrorists
Over 400,000 children in Biafra & Nigeria At Risk Of Malnutrition
Villagers Killed and rendered homeless in Enugu State, Biafra Territory
Nigeria Government, military, Ebubeagu with Governors kill & burn homes in Obudu Agwa. June 18, 2023
To Contact Us, Kindly Fill The Form Shown Below.